"The Golfer Creature" Monster Living on Golf Course Caught on Camera

(Photo and Video Evidence at the End)

Golf courses have been built practically everywhere across America. During the day they are regarded as a place of peace, relaxation, and luxury. However, at night, they transform into eerie zones where the realms of nature and man-made collide. No one plays golf at night. No one knows for sure what lurks in those open green fields while everyone sleeps. That being said, one man from Florida may have caught a glimpse on his camera. His name is Jonathan, and here is his true story:

I live in a two-story house on the edge of a golf course, and one night there has changed my life forever. The course itself is rarely visited, but I will occasionally see one or two golfers from my window during the day. That is normal. What’s not normal, is when I see a golfer in the dead of night.

There are a few things you should know about me before I continue. I live alone, and I have a habit of smoking cigars on my porch after dinner. I don’t own any pets, and the two houses next door to mine are currently vacant. I don’t have any medical conditions, and if you don’t count smoking, I don’t do any drugs. I only drink on occasion. The one final thing I should mention is that I have never believed in the paranormal, aliens, ghosts, etc. before this experience. Unfortunately, there is no logical explanation for what occurred on the night of November 23, 2019.

This night began no different from any other. I got back from work at around 5, I ordered pizza, and I watched some television. After finishing the pizza, I sat down on my porch and smoked a cigar. It was quite chilly outside for Florida, so I went back inside to grab a blanket. When I got back out onto the porch, I noticed something moving on the ground below me. My porch is on the 2nd floor, so it is elevated in a way that I have a full view of the golf course and the street that’s between the course and my house. There is a single streetlamp on that street, and at that moment it illuminated a cat walking onto the golf course. On my side of it, the course is only protected by a very low gate, which doesn’t stop any animal larger than a rat from getting over it. The cat strolled right over it but stopped and froze once it was about 3 feet into the grass. It stared at something in the distance, something I couldn’t see, and hissed. Then, it turned and ran back across the street it came from. I thought this was odd, considering I couldn’t see what the cat was afraid of, but I didn’t think much of it at first. Instead, I just kept puffing my cigar until I fell asleep.

Maybe it was the blanket, or maybe it was the cold, but this was the first time I had ever fallen asleep outside on my porch. This may have been the worst mistake of my life, because when I woke up, I could have been a few seconds away from death. As I opened my eyes and they adjusted to the darkness, I made out ten long, pale fingers gripping onto the front wall of my porch. Someone or something was hanging off of it, and trying to climb on. I watched in horror as the long fingers extended until an entire arm was visible as the creature clambered over the wall. I was so terrified. I didn’t want to see its face or its surely inhuman body, so I screamed. I screamed so loudly that the creature whipped back its arm in shock and actually fell off the porch. I heard something heavy hit the ground below me. Then, I saw it run into the street and under the light of the streetlamp. It was large, very large. At its full height, it probably stood around 7 feet tall. It’s head and torso were covered in a ragged, black fur and its massive shoulders extended far above its head. It’s arms, on the other hand, were inhumanely white and skinny compared to the rest of its body. It walked on two legs, but stumbled like a monkey as it ran off into the pitch black golf course. The scariest aspect of its body was its face, because it wore a terrifying smile as it ran. Almost as if it knew I wouldn’t be here anymore if I hadn’t woken up at that moment. Despite its size it was incredibly agile, and I realized it had no problem climbing up onto my porch. To this day, I wonder if it climbs up there often to watch me sleep through my bedroom windows. The thought chills me.

I never smoke out on my porch now. I always sleep inside, and I make sure to lock all my doors and windows before I go to bed. When I wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes I look out onto the golf course. And every once in a while, out in the distance, I see what looks like a golfer standing in the dark. But I know it’s not a golfer. I know it’s that horrifying creature watching me. And I know it’s waiting for the next time I slip up and fall asleep outside. I have managed to film and photograph the creature on several occasions (shown below). I hope someone can make sense of my story, and maybe share if they had a similar encounter. I know for sure now that we are not alone, and that there is something else out there.

Picture of the woods area on the golf course next to Jonathan's house: Surrounding Area

Real photo of the creature, taken at around 4 AM: Creature Photo

Same photo with annotations: Creature Photo - Annotations

Another photo, taken at around the same time: Creature Photo 2

Video showing creature peaking around a tree on the golf course: Creature Video


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