Giant Marine Monster Discovered in Pacific Ocean [Audio + Video]

The ocean may be Earth’s greatest mystery. It is largely unexplored, and new creatures are discovered in its depths almost daily. In fact, it’s possible that we know more about outer space than we do about our own ocean. Nevertheless, with the help of modern technology, marine scientists are getting closer to exploring every inch of the deep blue sea, and every once in a while, that exploration leads to unexpected consequences.

In 2018 an American research vessel measured and filmed aquatic activity in the Pacific ocean. Years after its return, the scientists onboard recounted several frightening occurrences during their voyage. The crew planned to make a total of three stops over the span of six days before changing course and heading home. Each stop would give the scientists an opportunity to lower camera and audio equipment into the water and take measurements.

On their first stop, the scientists began to notice something strange about the water they were on. The lead scientist, whose name we will omit from this publication, recalled that “the water seemed darker than typical ocean water. It was very murky, like something you would typically see in a swamp.” Another scientist states that “it was as if someone had poured gallons of ink into the ocean, although we were the only people present for miles.” The crew began lowering their equipment which was supported by a cable almost 2,000 meters in length. “Then, something tugged hard on the rope,” a crewman said. “I watched as it was flung back and forth. The equipment on the other end was heavy so I knew whatever was pulling it was strong.” Ultimately, the scientists decided “it” was some sort of large fish, and once the pulling had stopped, they continued to lower their equipment.

That night, the underwater audio recorder they had lowered picked up some highly unusual sounds. Those sounds can be heard here: Deep-Sea Audio
According to the scientists, they don’t match the voice of any known sea creature. Additionally, thanks to audio profiling software, the scientists were able to gauge the approximate size of the animal and it was big. Really big. “We were hearing a lifeform which could have potentially been between 80-100 feet long.”

The following morning the vessel made its way towards its second stop, deeper into the pacific ocean. Somewhere along the trip the scientists identified a pod of whales nearby. Although it is unclear what species they encountered, the whales were certainly very large. One particular scientist claims “there may have been between 6 and 10 of them out there below the surface. We didn’t stop to observe them, but I swear I caught a glimpse of a huge gash in the side of one. It wasn’t consistent with typical squid attacks or boat accidents so I found it very strange. Some animal seemingly bit a whole chunk off of this whale.”

When the vessel reached the second stop of the trip, the recording equipment was lowered into the water again. It wasn’t until late at night, though, when more strange sounds could be heard from down below. A member of the crew who had stayed up late to monitor incoming sounds said this: “The voice patterns had matched those from the night before. Whatever was down there had actually followed us. This is when I started to get a little paranoid. I just didn’t have a good feeling about this.” In fact, something had been following them, and on this night, it could be seen on their underwater film footage which has since been reviewed and examined.

That footage can be watched here: Video1

The figure in the film is estimated to be around 92 feet long and 38 feet wide, and although it is hard to make out, there is definitely something moving in the water. The following day, as the crew prepared for more travel, they were filled with the overwhelming emotion of dread. “I don’t know how to explain it, but it felt like we were being watched… from the water” one crewman said. Several others complained of severe headaches and a distinct feeling of “not belonging.” They decided to keep moving in order to collect more data, but that decision wouldn’t be maintained for long.

In the end, the research vessel would make one more stop in the daytime before swiftly turning back. It was what they caught on video that convinced them to turn around. “I decided to run our equipment one more time, since the crew was getting too anxious,” the lead scientist explained. “This time, I made sure that the underwater feed was sent directly to my monitor onboard so I could see everything that was down there live. I watched it for about an hour, and then… I don’t know to be honest. This sounds pretty crazy but I don’t remember what happened after that point.” Here is what occurred on that day in the words of a fellow crew member:

“I was on the deck below [the lead scientist], cleaning some equipment, when I heard him scream. He sounded so frightened, so terrified, and I didn’t know what to do. I mean we were all pretty shaken but he sounded like he needed serious help. Me and a few others rushed up to the second deck to find him staring at a computer crying and screaming his head off. He began clawing at his face and eyes with his hands, he really looked like he was going insane. We ran over to him and tried to pry his fingers from his eyes, but when the others looked at his computer screen they froze, almost like they were in a trance. I didn’t see what was on there, thank god. But those who did went absolutely mad. They began tearing at their eye sockets with their fingers, and all this time I’m thinking ‘What the hell did they see?’” In all the chaos, the computer fell onto the ground and the screen cracked. “More of the crew came to the scene and we managed to get the situation under control. No one could explain what happened, but it was pretty much a unanimous decision at that point to change course and head home. Something didn’t want us to be there.”

The footage from that moment was actually recovered, and the following video is the last thing the lead scientist and his crew witnessed before they went insane: Video2
In the video, an enormous creature with tentacles can be seen. It resembles an octopus, but it is far larger than any known species. This is the first documented case of anything like it.

As the research vessel traveled back to the place it came from, the victims of the sudden insanity attacks quickly recovered (although they couldn’t recall what happened to them). All 17 crew members on board neglected to report the strange occurrences or release the footage until recently. All 17 also wished to remain anonymous. It is unclear what they encountered deep in the pacific ocean, but it seems that the answer to that mystery may never be found. One thing’s for sure though: all 17 crewmembers are certain they witnessed something horrifying in the pacific ocean, and they will never return to find out what it was.

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