
Showing posts from April, 2020

Terrifying Bat Creature Encounter in Georgia [Evidence]

Image Evidence Video   Earlier this month, a woman from Georgia claimed she witnessed a terrifying creature in her own backyard. She was actually able to capture footage of it which will be shown below. To protect her privacy, we will call her Julia. Julia lives with her son (age 9) in East Georgia and recently moved to a new house in a rural neighborhood. According to her, there were no problems with the move, and everything about their new house seemed fine up until a couple weeks ago. “Due to the lockdown, I stay at home with my son all the time now,” Julia stated. “I work the night shifts at my job, so I’m used to needing a babysitter, but now since I’m at home pretty much 24/7 that’s no longer necessary.” Julia’s son sleeps in his bedroom, which is adjacent to her own. She made it clear that no babysitter has ever complained of any problems when it came to getting him in bed, but since she started staying at home, he began talking about strange noises during the night. “Every mo